Sunday, 23 May 2010

Coalition confusion

Only one week into The Coalition and there is confusion and disarray already over their Afghanistan policy.  It seems that Liam Fox, William Hague and Andrew Mitchell couldn't get their act together and agree what they wanted to say.

Fox was really quite disparaging about the country saying he wanted troops out as soon as possible and referring to Afganistan as a "broken 13th century country" and was clealry not intrested in helping the Afghan people to create a stable society.

Fox's comments were at odds with Hague and Mitchell who both saw a wider role helping to build a "functioning state" with a proper coherent British approach.

A bit of retreating later saw them trying to demostrate that you couldn't get a Rizla between them - but I betyou can.

Also under fire is Theresa May over her policing policy.  In a letter to The Observer, police authority chiefs voice outright hostility to the proposals for directly elected police commissioners.  They argue that the plans for sweeping reform of the service will make the country's streets less safe.

A major area of concern is that elected people running local police services have a "politically motivated agenda" and will be chasing votes instead of criminals.

Several major policing organisations are pushing for crisis talks with the Home Secretary.  So come on Mrs May listen to the people who know what they are talking about.

Perhaps we will see another change of mind by Theresa May.

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